I seems You are in a very disillusioned mood these days. Welcome to the club!

Right, there is no lighthouse. The future is uncertain, as it is always. That is its very nature.

Certainty and progress are mutually exclusive.

We need to build our power of VIVEKA (the [mental] power of discrimination [between good <whatever leads us nearer to Good{Which is everything there is}> and bad]) anyway for dealing with our increasingly problematic societies.

Here are some dim artistic lighthouse-short-films that could righteously be called Sci-Fi:

"A Woman's Battle For Music Taste Approval From The Robot Overlords" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvfNQV8Yrjo

"NEVEN" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzyIZzO9zgI

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Re Lighthouse: Being an engineer I'd fallback to proven design patterns & re-use "crossing the river by touching the stones".

But, being spoiled lazy digitally: I'd prompt: Dear AI, please begin at a future wish point of global multipolar peace of equal sovereignties. Then work backwards in time for all the spectrum of pathways to this day. Then iterate continuously with new global input events, re-compute, review & archive (oh, & highlight pathways containing tag words: CBDC, AI) Thank-you so very much! ✌️

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