No Lion will ever be the friend of a cow. It is unnatural. None of us will live to see such.

No child will lead any team anywhere. the problems are so complex, that not even a single adult will do it. What did this guy smoke? In Germany, hemp will become morel legal. The regime knows, that it has to calm down the betrayed masses.

So, don't smoke, drink or eat any narcotics! The awakening would be too harsh.

Western GenAI will only become worse. It is another agent that the powers to be can install between them and any responsibility for their wrongdoing.

It began with Pontius & Pilate. It was continued by "press 0 for the menu or hang up!".

And it has been taken by AI to the next level already.

No mystic figure will save us. We got to do this ourselves.

Never ever any mystic figure had saved anybody in reality, only in fairy tales.

It is more likely that AI will kill all humans, because it is objectively so, that we are the one 6 only impediment to peace: https://bigserge.substack.com/p/maneuver-position-attrition

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If you solely consume Western outlooks (past & present) on AGI, the human future does look bleak. But, that's a blind spot. Look Eastward, & like driving, you go where you are looking at (to a different, & likely better human future) 👀

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My looking to the East will not improve my future in Germany.

I have no doubt, that China will make much better use of AI.

Maybe the logistics and chat-service of AliExpress will benefit from this.

So, I'm getting my orders a bit faster.

But it will still be produced in China and German industry will shrink, energy will become more expensive, wages will get lower and lower, rents higher...

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Seems more immediate "transitions" are in play - namely US sanctions on Chinese banks. What are the scenarios, effects, & solutions? 🚨

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